Entry information : HlaMnCat
Entry ID 6143
Creation 2008-06-06 (Marcel Zamocky)
Last sequence changes 2008-06-06 (Marcel Zamocky)
Sequence status complete
Reviewer Christophe Dunand
Last annotation changes 2008-06-06 (Christophe Dunand)
Peroxidase information: HlaMnCat
Name HlaMnCat
Class Manganese Catalase    [Orthogroup: MnCat001]
Taxonomy Archaea Euryarchaeota Halobacteria Halobacteriaceae Halorubrum
Organism Halorubrum lacusprofundi    [TaxId: 2247 ]
Cellular localisation N/D
Tissue type N/D
Inducer N/D
Repressor N/D
Best BLASTp hits
Perox score E-value HlaMnCat
S start..stop
RleMnCat01 286 1.52e-97 10..257 1..250
RsphMnCat 287 2.05e-97 10..267 24..283
SmedMnCat 281 3.15e-94 10..267 91..350
OgMnCat 277 5.8e-94 10..267 1..260
Literature and cross-references HlaMnCat
Literature Copeland A., Lucas S., Lapidus A., Barry K., Glavina del Rio T., Dalin E., Tice H., Bruce D., Pitluck S., Richardson P. Sequencing of the draft genome and assembly of Halorubrum lacusprofundi ATCC 49239.
(unpublished since 2007)
Protein ref. UniProtKB_Uniparc:   A7D5I1
DNA ref. GenBank:   ABEB01000004 (81382..82221)
Protein sequence: HlaMnCat
Sequence Properties
first value : protein
second value (mature protein)
Length (aa):   %s   279 (311)
PWM (Da):   %s   31142.67 (33629.6)  
PI (pH):   %s   4.08 (10.97) Peptide Signal:   %s   cut: 24 range:24-334
Send to BLAST
Send to Peroxiscan
*.........1 .........2 .........3 .........4 .........5 .........6 .........7 .........8 .........9 .........0 .........1 .........2

Retrieve as FASTA  
Remarks Complete sequence from genomic. Strain="ATCC 49239".